Tutorial and pastoral support underpins student welfare in the widest sense.

Individual Colleges may involve a variety of individuals, including Tutors (who are generally Fellows of the College, and may have separate academic responsibilities within the College and the University), Nurses, or Chaplains. However it is delivered, tutorial provision is an essential component of Cambridge College life.

Pastoral support at Sidney comprises:

  • Tutors
  • College Nurse
  • Pastoral Tutor
Your Tutor

Your Tutor has a wide variety of responsibilities. Their role is to provide all-round support and guidance to their students - it would not be feasible to provide an exhaustive list of all their responsibilities!

Listed below are some of the regular ways in which Tutors - together with Tutorial Office Staff, Directors of Studies, Nurses, and Chaplains - fulfil their role. Clearly, some of these functions entail strict confidentiality.


Mr Matthew Ireland

Dr Ruth Jackson Ravenscroft

Dr Sheila Kohring 

Dr Tom Lambert 

Dr Martin Parker Dixon

Dr Deirdre Serjeantson

Dr Edward Wilson-Lee

Refer to your CamSIS self-service record to see who your Tutor is.

  • Induction (Introducing and welcoming freshers to Cambridge and College life; ongoing social contact for College-based talks, workshops and/or parties; personal contact/support - a friendly face)
  • Personal well-being (Personal development; contact for all health matters and problems; link with GP, hospitals, counsellors; assistance with special needs and disabilities [advice, practical support]; help in developing transferable skills)
  • Accommodation (provision of advice and support)
Administrative and Financial
  • Advice on identifying and obtaining financial assistance
  • Liaison with other bodies (external bodies including Local Education Authorities, Student Loans Company, graduate funding bodies; and internal bodies such as Departments, Central Administration, Board of Graduate Studies, sources of funding and applications)
  • Examinations (Registration; special conditions; complaints/appeals; change of course; degrading/intermission)
  • Admissions process (participation in)
  • Academic oversight (review of progress, advice on study methods, and support in the event of difficulties with courses or teachers)
  • Careers advice and provision of references
  • Liaison between student and supervisor/Director of Studies/Department
College Nurse

For details on how the nurse can help you and the surgery hours, please check the Nurse's web page.

College Room Health Centre, Garden Court Q13
E nurse@sid.cam.ac.uk
T +44 (0)1223 (3)38826

Pastoral Tutor

The Pastoral Tutor is available to all postgraduates and undergraduates from Sunday to Friday to talk over any concerns you may have. 

Please pop in when passing or make an appointment by email or phone.

College Room Y1
E pastoraltutor@sid.cam.ac.uk
T +44 (0)1223 338837
M 07795 580051 (please call rather than text)