Advice on how to stay safe, who to contact, and where to go in an emergency.

Porters' Lodge (Sanctuary)

All of the Cambridge College Porters' Lodges can be used as a sanctuary should an individual feel threatened or unsafe - this essentially provides dozens of safe-points across the city.

Report any incidents as soon as possible to your closest Porters’ Lodge, day or night.

Cambridge Police Station


Full details about the Cambridge Police Station, including contact information, can be accessed online.

Reporting an emergency

Medical and other cases of emergency should be reported to the Sidney Porters' Lodge (+44 (0)1223 3 38800).

Dependent on the scale of the situation, emergencies should be reported either to:

  • Emergency Services (999), with the Porters' Lodge informed next; or
  • to the Porters' Lodge in the first instance

If you have been hospitalised following an emergency:

  • please let the Porters know, not least so that your Tutor, Director(s) of Studies, and supervisors can be kept informed
  • inform the Porters when you return into residence after a stay in hospital or elsewhere

For fire safety reasons, the College must know that you're back, and your Tutor would prefer to avoid an unnecessary visit to the hospital if you're no longer there!

City wise!

You shouldn't be overly alarmed - the likelihood of incidents happening is very low. It's important though to follow a few simple safety precautions appropriate for living in a relatively big city, particularly when moving around town at night. Please consider:

  • after dark, travelling in pairs or groups
  • keeping to main routes where other people are present
  • avoiding deserted or ill-lit areas
  • avoiding arguments with strangers
  • carrying a personal alarm

Please also see the CUSU Safety and Welfare for further advice.

You can contact the Sidney Porters' Lodge (+44 (0)1223 3 38800) in an emergency.