Congregations are held throughout the year and useful information relating to these can be found below.

Ceremony dates 2023 - 25

The following schedule is provisional. Dates and format of the graduation ceremonies and associated college events are subject to change or cancellation, dependant on the latest government advice regarding COVID-19. Please, bear this in mind when booking travel and accommodation. The College cannot accept claims for cost of cancellations, e.g. lost deposits.

·        Friday 20th October 2023 (In person, followed by a Graduation High Tea). To book contact Booking closing date 02/10/2023.

·        Saturday 25th November 2023 (In absence only). To book contact Booking closing date 06/11/2023.

·        Friday 26th January 2024 (In absence only). To book contact Booking closing date 08/01/2024.

·        Saturday 24th February 2024 (In person, followed by a Graduation High Tea). To book contact Booking closing date 05/02/2024.

·        Saturday 6th April 2024 (In person, followed by a Graduation Dinner). To book contact Booking closing date 11/03/2024.

·        Saturday 27th April 2024 (In person, followed by a Graduation High Tea). To book contact Booking closing date 08/04/2024.

·        Saturday 18th May 2024 (In person 2017 matriculation MA Graduation and Reunion Dinner only). EMBA students also welcome for graduation only with an afternoon tea, to book contact MA students have been sent an invitation to attend. Enquiries Booking closing date 21/04/2024.

·        Friday 28th June 2024 (General Admission) - This Congregation is reserved as a day of General Admission for the presentation of candidates for 'first' degrees; BTh, BA, VetMB and BA with MEng or MMath or MSci degrees only.

·        Friday 19th July 2024 (In person, followed by a Graduation Dinner). To book contact Booking closing date 01/07/2024.

·        Friday 25th October 2024 (In person, followed by a Graduation High Tea). To book contact Booking closing date 07/10/2024.

·        Saturday 30th November 2024 (In absence only). To book contact Booking closing date 11/11/2024.

·        Friday 31st January 2025 (In absence only). To book contact Booking closing date 13/01/2025.

·        Saturday 1st March 2025 (In person, followed by a Graduation High Tea). To book contact Booking closing date 10/02/2025.

·        Saturday 5th April 2025 (In person, followed by a Graduation Dinner). To book contact Booking closing date 17/03/2025.

·        Saturday 3rd May 2025 (In person, followed by a Graduation High Tea). To book contact Booking closing date 14/04/2025.

·        Saturday 24th May 2025 (In person 2018 matriculation MA Graduation and Reunion Dinner only). Eligible students will be sent invitation to attend. Enquiries Booking closing date 05/05/2025.

·        Friday 4th July 2025 (General Admission) - This Congregation is reserved as a day of General Admission for the presentation of candidates for 'first' degrees; BTh, BA, VetMB and BA with MEng or MMath or MSci degrees only.

·        Friday 25th July 2025 (In person, followed by a Graduation Dinner). To book contact Booking closing date 07/07/2025.

Students who had a degree conferred in absence during the pandemic and wish to celebrate their degree should contact

For further information on graduation please see the University of Cambridge Graduation web page.

Arranging your graduation

Postgraduate Students

Graduands (those about to be admitted to a degree) should arrange their graduation by contacting at least three weeks before the intended ceremony date.

  • MPhil students must have received confirmation on CamSIS of Faculty Degree approval.
  • PhD students must have received confirmation on CamSIS of approval by the Board of Graduate Studies. Students on other courses will need to confirm their eligibility with the Student Registry before booking.

Please be aware that a condition for graduation is that all University bills must have been paid in full.

After booking you will be sent an online from to complete. Use the online form to enter your ceremony preferences, ceremony guest ticket number and event guest information. You are guaranteed 2 ceremony guest tickets. You do not need a ceremony ticket. 

Ceremony preferences:  

  • Christian Trinitarian formula. The degree ceremony incorporates the Christian Trinitarian formula, meaning that degrees are conferred 'In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit'.
  • ‘In Nomine Dei’ (In the name of God), can be used instead of the Trinitarian formula.
  • Omit any reference to religion.
  • Kneeling. Those who do not wish to kneel may opt out.
  • In person or in absence. If you decide to take your degree in absence, you still need to make a formal application to Everyone who graduates will receive an official degree certificate and transcript.
  • Undergraduate students (BTh, BA, VetMB and BA with MEng or MMath or MSci degrees only) You will generally collect your degree at the end of your final year, at General Admission. This takes place near the end of June or in early July, and details are circulated to eligible students by the Tutorial Office during Lent Term.  If you decide not to graduate at General Admission and you would like to take part in an alternative congregation listed above, please contact the Postgraduate Office Administrator for details on how to apply.
College hospitality

Please see the list of dates for details.

Graduation High Tea

Whats included:

  • Sparkling wine
  • sandwiches
  • cakes and scones
  • various other items
  • tea and coffee

Charge to graduands: No Charge

Guests: £21.00 per head

The time and venue of the High Tea will vary according to the day's timetable, but is likely to be at 3.00pm.

Graduation Dinner

Three courses, with tea and coffee.

Wine for the dinner may be purchased by graduands from the College Buttery, from 6.00 p.m.

No wine or other alcohol may be brought in from outside the College.

Graduation Dinner is at 7.00 pm in Hall.  Bookings can only be taken when eligibility to graduate has been confirmed, and are taken on a 'first come, first served' basis, until the Hall limit is reached. Guest numbers may be restricted.

Graduands and Guests: £36 per head.

Dress for Graduation Dinner (graduands and their guests) is 'smart casual', gowns optional; however, it would nonetheless be entirely appropriate, and welcome, if a graduand wishes to attend in their graduation academical dress.


Please indicate the number of guests (with dietary requirements) when you book using the online form which will be provided after booking.

Payment instructions for guests will be sent once your ceremony booking is received.

If you need to cancel any guest bookings, please inform the Praelector's Secretary at least 72 hours before the event.

Graduation day
Dress requirements
These are strict university regulations concerning correct dress at graduation. The regulations cover both academical dress (gowns and hoods) and the clothing suitable to wear with it. Please refer to the University guidelines on Academical Dress.
Please pay close attention to the dress code, including the instruction that those wearing trousers must wear plain black, very dark grey or very dark blue socks and those wearing skirts or dresses must wear plain black, nearly-black or natural coloured tights. Footwear should be smart and practical as the procession to Senate House is along Green Street which has cobbles. The University is very strict in refusing to allow inappropriately attired graduands to be presented for degrees and there will be no time to rectify errors on the day. Please take into consideration that you will be kneeling before the Vice-Chancellor when selecting your dress. 
The schedule for each Congregation is finalised by the University a week before the event, exact timings are circulated to graduands in the week preceding the Saturday Congregation.
This is held in Chapel in the morning (no guests). Graduands should attend the rehearsal fully dressed for the degree ceremony.  Dress will be checked by the Praelector, and any errors will need to be corrected before graduands may proceed to the Senate-House.
The Praelector will lead a small procession of graduands from the Porters' Lodge to their degrees. The time varies for each Congregation but usually falls between 12pm and 4pm.
Each new graduate leaves by the Doctors' Door (leading down into Senate-House Passage), receiving their degree certificate en route, and then awaits their fellow graduates and guests on the Senate House lawn.  Guests will need to remain in the Senate House until the end of the session.  Photographs and other memorabilia may be purchased at marquees hosted by University staff.
New graduates and their guests may then attend the Graduation High Tea or Dinner at the College.
Guests are not permitted to take photographs inside the Senate-House. The moment of graduation is captured in a photograph which may be purchased after the ceremony.
Senate House Ceremony Photographs
If you have any queries, please contact Postgraduate Office Administrator.

Guests at Graduation

You  may bring up to two guests to the Senate-House, and tickets should be requested at the time of booking. It is sometimes possible to provide a small number of extra tickets, although this can only be confirmed a week before the ceremony.

Guest tickets for the ceremony must be collected from the Tutorial Office or Porters Lodge on the day of graduation. You will be told the ticket collection point after booking. Guests need to leave Sidney, to take their places in the Senate-House before the procession leaves College.

There is very little shelter near the Senate House, guests are advised to make adequate provision for wet weather.  The ceremony is not suitable for children under seven due to noise and safety regulations.  Noisy children will be required to be removed from the Senate-House during the ceremony.

Guests who are members of the University may wish to wear a gown, although academic caps or bonnets should not be worn inside the Senate House.  Smart dress for a formal occasion is recommended.

Further details can be found on the University website.