Explore this page for healthcare advice and resources.
We recognise that flourishing at university is determined as much by your wellbeing as it is by your academic ability: if you feel healthy and content within yourself and your environment, then you are far more likely to perform to the best of your academic ability.
We hope the webpages outlined below encourage you to take responsibility for your own health and wellbeing, empower you to seek help when you need it, and support you to develop skills that will equip you not only for university, but for life more generally.
- Emergencies
For life threatening emergencies call 999 and follow the guidance given. As soon as you are able to do so (or ask a friend on your behalf), please contact the Porters (+44 (0)1223 338800).
If you need advice for a mental health crisis call NHS 111, select option 2.
If you need medical help/advice when the health centre is closed please contact the Porters (+44 (0)1223 338800) for first aid and advice, a pharmacist for minor ailments, NHS 111, or your own GP surgery.
- Registering with a Doctor and the NHS
In your own interest, the College strongly recommends that you register with a Cambridge doctor. For further information, please contact the College Nurse or Tutorial Office.
- NHS Choices
The UKs biggest health website, NHS Choices provides a comprehensive health information service with thousands of articles, videos and tools, helping you to make the best choices about your health and lifestyle, but also about making the most of NHS and social care services in England.
- NHS Student Health Guide
NHS Student Healthcare Guide - A very useful guide for all students provided by the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commission Group.
Dental Care
To find a local dentist use the NHS website; Find Dentist Services.
- University Counselling Service
The University Counselling Service can help with all sorts of issues including those related to work, identity, personal and relationship problems. To make an appointment fill in the online 'pre-counselling form'.
The Counselling Service also provide a series of self-help guides available to all students.
- Disability Resource Centre
Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre (ADRC) exists to provide a confidential, professional and accessible service to support the needs of disabled students.
The DRC supports individuals with any disability, medical matter or injury including:
- learning difficulties (including dyslexia)
- physical impairments and injuries, sensory impairments
- upper limb disorder
- Medical Care
Students who have had a serious allergic reaction should record this on their Health Questionnaire and will be seen by the college nurse to discuss their allergy.
If you have an Epipen this should be carried AT ALL TIMES and you must be prepared to self-administer it if you feel a reaction coming on.
If you are allergic to any foodstuffs, you should inform the Catering Manager before booking yourself into a Formal Hall.
Communicable Diseases
It is important that you read the communicable diseases information, to understand your responsibilities in avoiding the spread of disease.
Dynamic Health offers musculoskeletal care and pelvic health physiotherapy across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
Sexual Health
The Lime Tree Clinic offers a free confidential service on all aspects of sexual health. They provide emergency contraception, and tests for pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.
- Alcohol, Drugs, and Addiction
The NHS recommended units of alcohol:
- Men and women are advised not to drink more than 14 units a week on a regular basis
- Spread your drinking over 3 or more days if you regularly drink as much as 14 units a week
If you'd like to work out how many units you're drinking use Drinkaware's unit calculator.
The University Counselling Service provide helpful advice about drugs and addiction.
Inclusion has a 24-hour helpline where you can get confidential advice.
Camquit gives advice and help if you want to stop smoking.
Please contact the College Nurse (+44 (0)1223 3 38826) if you require support in College.