Dr Andrew Flewitt's research on plastic electronics has been profiled in Cambridge News and by BBC Radio Cambridgeshire.

In collaboration with colleagues at the Department of Engineering and Pragmatic Printing Dr Andrew Flewitt is researching a new generation of transparent plastic electronic technology. 

As Cambridge News reports, the team's developments do not require silicon meaning that the research has the potential for electronic see through plastic coatings to be applied to a range of everyday objects.  As Dr Flewitt explains, in future this might even include a contact lens that can connect to the internet, though he admits that this is still some years off!

Dr Flewitt was also interviewed for BBC Radio Cambridgeshire's The Paul Stainton Bigger Breakfast Show.  You can hear the interview by following the link to the BBC website. The interview begins around 1 hour 48 minutes into the programme.

You can also watch a video of Dr Flewitt and his collaborators by visiting the Department of Engineering website.

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