Kenneth Armstrong was elected to the Professorship of European law in September 2013.

The Chair was previously held by Sir Alan Dashwood. Before joining the Faculty, Kenneth was Professor of EU law at Queen Mary, University of London. He has also held positions at Keele University and the University of Manchester. He has held visiting positions at Edinburgh University, the European University Institute and at New York University School of Law.

Kenneth has written extensively in the field of European Union law and policy, with a particular focus on the evolving governance and institutional structures of the EU. His book Governing Social Inclusion: Europeanization through Policy Coordination was published by Oxford University Press in 2010 and won the 2011 UACES Best Book Prize. He is now working on a Leverhulme Major Research Fellowhips project called The Brexit Effect - Convergence, Divergence and Variation in UK Regulatory Policy. He has written and blogged extensively on Brexit issues and he has his own blog at He tweets (@profkaarmstrong).

He was Director of the Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS).2013-18 and was editor in chief of the Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies until 2020. In 2020 he acted as adviser to the Finance and Constitution Committee of the Scottish Parliament in its Brexit-related work.