This free online taster event will provide you with all the information you will need to pursue a degree in one of the Secret Subjects – those subjects that you’ve probably never heard of but are actually some of the most interesting that the University of Cambridge offers!

There will be academic taster sessions led by Cambridge academics, Q&As with current undergrads studying one of the Secret Subjects, and a chance to hear from graduates about what different and interesting career paths the Secret Subjects can lead to.

Keep an eye out regarding dates and timings.

Have you ever wondered about the role music plays in developing nationalism? The relationship between historical artefacts and articulation of political power? Have you ever wanted to explore the cultures of ancient Greece and Rome? The shifting depictions of gender in sculpture? The links between religious philosophy and modern day ethics? 

Have you ever thought that your interests and passions aren’t covered by a degree just in History, Philosophy, English, or Modern Languages? 

Do the courses AMES, Archaeology, ASNC, Classics, History of Art, Linguistics, Music, TRPR just feel like a collection of letters and words? 

If you’ve answered ‘YES’ to any of the above then the Secret Subjects Open Day is for you! 


The Subjects

Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (AMES) – Students explore contemporary global cultures through the in-depth study of language, culture and history, giving them knowledge and practical skills that can be used in many careers. The areas you can study stretch from Japan to Morocco, and from classical times to the present day. Students can choose to study Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Hebrew, or Persian, with no prior learning in them. 

Archaeology - Students reflect on history through the study of material culture (objects and natural remains rather than text/books alone), the ancient cultures of Mesopotamia (the modern Near East), human evolution and diversity, and the history and culture of ancient Egypt. There are also opportunities to gain experience of fieldwork on actual archaeological digs. 

Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic (ASNC) - From the history and culture of Anglo-Saxon England, to the exploits of the Vikings and the complexities of Celtic languages, ASNC allows students to explore a range of cultures and examine history, language, archaeology and literature side by side. ASNC focuses on the history, material culture, languages and literature of the peoples of Britain, Ireland and the Scandinavian world in the earlier Middle Ages. Exactly which areas you study and to what depth is largely up to you. 

Classics – This degree encompasses the history, culture, archaeology, art, philosophy and linguistics of ancient Greece and Rome and the study of original texts and artefacts. You can either specialise in a particular field or retain the breadth with which the course starts. If you have never studied ancient languages at school, there is a 4 year option in which the first year of study is dedicated to giving a grounding in this and introducing them to the world of Ancient Rome.  

History of Art - This course covers a wide spectrum of art and architecture from all over the world, from the medieval to modern and contemporary periods. The aim is to foster a wide and deep understanding of art and architecture, and to help you develop visual literacy and awareness, as well as a range of critical and analytical skills.

Linguistics – This is the systematic study of human language, delving into theories of language and analysing shared characteristics between different languages. It draws on methods and knowledge from a wide range of disciplines including philosophy, engineering, and psychology. One day you might be poring over a medieval text looking for how a language has changed, and the next learning about how the larynx creates speech, or how we can record brain responses in a categorisation task.

Music – At Cambridge there is a strong academic focus to the Music course. Papers are available on the relationship between music and culture and the role that music plays in contemporary societies, as well as options providing a solid grounding in understanding what makes music ‘work’. This in addition to the expected performance related options. You can also work with individual staff members on your own projects, whether as an advanced performer, composer, historian, analyst, ethnomusicologist or music scientist. 

Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion (TRPR) – TRPR addresses fundamental questions through a range of religious traditions and philosophical standpoints. Encompassing the history, practice and thought of the major world religions of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism, the course develops your understanding of the significance of religion and its cultural contexts. This degree aims to develop your intercultural literacy, critical thinking, research skills and understanding of the depth and nuance of human experience.


This is a free event open to any student who is currently in Y12 (or Y13 in Northern Ireland or S5 in Scotland) interested in pursuing an Arts, Humanities, or Social Science degree, and who is thinking of applying to Oxbridge. There will be limited places available for each session and preference will be given to students who meet any of the following criteria:


  • Attends a state-maintained school Is eligible for free school meals, or has been eligible at any point in the last 6 years
  • Is currently in care, or ever been in care
  • Is a young carer
  • Is currently living in an area of low participation in Higher Education
  • Is currently living in an area of high deprivation
How to Register

Registration for this event is not yet open.


If you have any question about the event please get in touch with us at