The European Research Council (ERC) has named Professor Rodolphe Sepulchre as a recipient of its Advanced Grant for the project SpikyControl.

Rodolphe Sepulchre, Sidney Fellow and Professor of Engineering at the University, has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant for his proposal to develop a theory of spiking control systems.

Spikes and rhythms organise control and communication in the animal world, in contrast to the bits and clocks of digital technology. Spiking control systems aim to imitate the spiking nature of animal computation, combining analog adaptation and digital reliability. The project will explore novel control strategies for spiking sensors and actuators and experiment them both in electrophysiological and electronic environments. Spiking control systems could enable an entirely novel generation of brain-inspired functionalities in machine intelligence and in neural interfaces.

On hearing the news about the ERC Advanced Grant, Rodolphe commented, “ERC funding is unique in encouraging researchers to venture into unchartered territories. I feel privileged that it will fund my research for the next five years”.

Full details about the latest European Research Council Advanced Grants can be found on the ERC website:

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