We would be delighted if you could join us for our next London Drinks, taking place on Wednesday 9th October at 6pm.
With thanks to Professor Lindsay Greer, we have been able to secure a wonderful, and unique venue, at the Armourers & Brasiers' Company, with drinks taking place in the Gold Drawing Room - a richly decorated room with magnificent paintings and Sir Henry Lee's third suit of field armour (champion of Queen Elizabeth I). Former Master of the Armourers & Brasiers' Company, and fellow alumnus, Dr Roger Bowdler (1981, History of Art) will also be joining us and has kindly agreed to run short tours of the main rooms.
This is a great opportunity to catch up with your fellow alumni, and hear about all the latest (and exciting!) developments taking place in College over informal drinks and nibbles.
Tickets cost £25 for alumni and guests, with a discounted rate for our young alumni of £15 (everyone who matriculated after 2014).
To secure your place please fill in the booking form below. Closing date is Friday 20th September (or when the event has reached maximum capacity).